Nintendo New York! :)
If you haven't been to Nintendo New York i suggest you should from what i hear it's one of the bests places on earth it's feels like you're walking right into your childhood from head to toe, everything is all in order from Old School to New..
They put the passion right into Nintendo with all the special event's and pre release's of up coming games!
I'm not kidding when i say Everyone is lined up outside for even'ts this YouTuber know as "Alex CND" waited an entire month to be FIRST to Get a Nintendo Switch console a total of 28Day's now that's shows passion for the Nintendo community..
Nintendo even has their own show called Nintendo Minute which keeps up to date with more new's for Nintendo and such.
I myself never had the chance to go to Nintendo New York, but i know it would be pretty awesome because i'm a huge fan of Nintendo and loved growing up with it my all time favorite Nintendo game would have to be umm..
Super Mario 64 & The Legend Of Zelda Ocarina Of Time!!!
so if you have the chance to travel to New York i must say you gotta check Nintendo World.
I just love the passion and history of Nintendo and it fills me with such joy and i hope that continues with the new generation of gamer's..